Saturday, March 31, 2012

Various Sidewinder Locations (175,725 is the origin of the scan)

I was browsing a bit ago, and I found several strong people close together.

Table: Anthropus Camps Attack

This is taken from:

and placed here for easy reference.

I like looking at the tables to decide what to attack with. You can go to the wiki to get more information.

Minimum Troops for Minimum Researches

Enter the minimum number of troops needed to defeat an Anthropus Camp without losses.
  • LBM Min Loot: Minimum # of Beginners troops.loot doesn't matter. ; LBM, Minos, ATs, Porters.
  • LBM Max Loot: Minimum # of Beginners troops collects Max Resources; LBM, Minos, ATs, Porters.
  • Speed Min Loot: Minimum # of SSDs, BDs, Banshees; For quick hits when loot doesn't matter.
  • Speed Max Loot: Collects Max Resources; SSDs, BDs, Banshees; For quick hits when loot is desired.
  • FT, LJ, FM Troops: Advanced troops with advanced researches.
  • Great/Elem. Dragon Use: Any troops + GD/EDs; Used for farming Anthropus Talismans.
  • Testing: These are new numbers that have not been tested completely. If you would like to submit some new numbers, upload a Report WITH RESEARCHES, and it will be added to the table. Do not submit something that is not significantly different than what we have. Ex. 1-2k troops = Not significant.
Message LurkersRus to have them added to the table.
LevelType of MarchTroops UsedMetMedWCDrag
1LBM Min Loot60 LBM102
100 LBM + 50 Port + 50 Mino111
LBM Max Loot60 LBM + 600 Porter102
33 LBM + 23 AT445
Speed Min Loot120 SSD103
50 BD233
Speed Max Loot1210 SSD233
1513 BD233
175 Banshee99
FT or LJ15 FT + 1 LBM988
2 LJ999
2LBM Min Loot275 LBM102
LBM Max Loot275 LBM + 47 AT or 1210 Porters102
Speed Min Loot1800 SSD535
900 BD785
Speed Max Loot2420 SSD333
3100 BD655
400 Banshee99
FT or LJ25 FT + 1 LBM988
15 LJ999
3LBM Min Loot600 LBM445
LBM Max Loot600 LBM + 72 AT or 1815 Porters445
Speed Min Loot2500 SSD543
1000 BD655
Speed Max Loot3630 SSD466
4538 BD655
800 Banshee99
FT or LJ50 FT + 1 LBM988
35 LJ999
4LBM Min Loot1500447
LBM Max Loot1500 LBM + 100 AT447
Speed Min Loot3200 SSD355
5000 BD545
Speed Max Loot5000 SSD545
6050k BD355
1700 Banshees109
FT or LJ100 FT + 1 LBM988
45 FM + 100 AT10610
45 LJ999
5LBM Min Loot4000 LBM577
LBM Max Loot4000 LBM + 150 AT + 250 Mino577
Speed Min Loot10000 SSD548
6000 BD778
Speed Max Loot10000 SSD546
8000 BD778
2000 Banshee77
FT or LJ750 FT + 1 LBM988
100 LJ999
GD/Elem Dragon Used4000 LBM + GD447
6LBM Max Loot7k LBM + 200 ATs777
Speed Max Loot20k SSD568
10k BD778
4.5k Banshee99
FT or LJ1k FT+ 2k LBM988
250 LJ999
GD/Elem Dragon Used8878k LBM + 500 AT + GD667
7LBM Max Loot25k LBM + 225 AT767
Speed Max Loot30k SSD768
15k BD888
7.5k Banshee77
FT or LJ or FM2k FT + 2k LBM988
425 LJ9910
450 FM + 200 AT10910
GD/Elem Dragon Used11.5k LBM + 270 ATs + Lvl 9 GD655
Testing: Confirm with BRs
#s are linked BRs w or w/o loss
15k LBM + 1k AT + GD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10202
8LBM Max Loot45k LBM & 1k ATs686
Speed Max Loot60k SSDs648
30k BD888
15k Banshee88
FT or LJ or FM11k FT + 1 LBM988
800 LJ + 200 AT9910
??? FM
GD/Elem Dragon Used40k LBM + 250 AT + GD777
11k FT + 1 LBM + 500 AT + ED899
800 LJ + 200 AT + ED999
Testing: Confirm with BRs
#s are linked BRs w or w/o loss
30k LBM + 1k AT + GD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10202
9LBM Max Loot60k LBM + 2.5k AT867
Speed Max Loot120k SSDs1088
60k BD888
25k Banshee108
FT or LJ or FM24k FT + 1 LBM988
2k LJ + 225 AT8810
4040 FM + 175 AT9910
GD/Elem Dragon Used55k LBM + 1.2k AT+ FD767
20k FT + 1 LBM + ED9881
2k LJ + ED999
Testing: Confirm with BRs
#s are linked BRs w or w/o loss
65k LBM + 2k AT + GD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10203
46k BDs + Serpent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10???
10LBM Max Loot100k LBM + 250 ATs979
Speed Max Loot110k BD101010
50k Banshee99
FT or LJ or FM24k FT + 1 LBM999
4k LJ + 1k AT8810
10k FM + 1 LBM + 250 AT101010
GD/Elem Dragon Used24k FT + 1 LBM + WiD/WD999
3.5k LJ + ED (not WiD)9910
89999 LBM + SD999
Wraith Dragon1
Testing: Confirm with BRs
#s are linked BRs w or w/o loss
75-100k BDs + Serpent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10101010
80k LBM + 5k AT + GD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 109910

WARNING Explanation: Battle field is determined by adding the longest range troops' range + 500. While Speed troops would be able to cross the field in 1 round if sent alone, they will take extra damage if the field is extended by adding the ranged troops.